Hotel Universel Québec
2300 Chemin Sainte-Foy
Québec (QC) G1V 1S5
Get your stay at the best price guaranteed by booking directly on our website!
Located only a few steps away from Hotel Universel Quebec, Unilofts Pavilion studios are equipped with a kitchen, a bathroom and a queen-sized bed. They are ideal for any type of visitor. Whether they are on a business trip, on a city getaway or in town for Festival d’été de Québec, our studios are the best option for a long stay in Quebec City.
Unilofts Pavilion is also the perfect accommodation for a shopping trip! Shopping centres Place Ste-Foy, Place de la Cité and Laurier Québecare only a few minutes away from the hotel.
Located directly in front of Université LavalPEPS, these studios are perfect for sports teams playing in Quebec City or for future students visiting the campus.
T : 418 653-6250
2326 Chemin Sainte-Foy Québec (QC) G1V 1S5